Why Generator Switchgears are so important for a safe power supply?

Running out of electricity is a nightmare for all of us. To avoid that feeling during a power outage, a backup generator should always be present to keep your family safe and comfortable. A general generator comes in two types, portable and standby. If you want to add a backup power source to your residence, you must know the importance of generator switchgear.

Switchgear protection helps in distributing the power to the various electrical appliances in a proper manner and protects the particular equipment from short-circuit damage. Due to their long-life and low maintenance, the switchgear often gets overlooked unless it gets damaged by factors like water, dust, high humidity levels, etc.


Power outages can happen anytime. Therefore, it is best to read the below-mentioned points to know why these transfer switches are important for your home.

Saves electrical machines:

Generator switchgear primarily helps to protect the appliances by interrupting the circuit that is experiencing overload. This way energy gets distributed and doesn’t affect the circuits.

Safe usage:

Electrical Isolation, which is their basic function, provides isolation of circuits and part of the system that gets energised. This way it protects the person who repairs the power system at that point.

Circuit Breaker:

A circuit breaker is an essential component of switchgear which can be handled manually and allows to automatically halting whenever there is any fault in the system. It detects the problem and triggers beforehand to avoid damage.

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